Friday, January 11, 2008

A week of running

After having the worst hangover of my life on New Year's Day 2008, I decided to start living a little healthier (once I got past the 3 day hangover!)

So, to that end, I'm eating better.  I've added fruits and vegetables to my diet which mostly consisted of drive-thru cuisine.

And, I'm starting to run.  Well, walk and run.  I'm not a great runner to be honest.  So I started this week just walking the 3-mile trail around Memorial Park in Houston.  I found that I can pretty consistently walk 15 minute miles with my eyes closed!  I'm pretty accurate on that in case I ever need that skill.  With my trusty iPod Nano and Nike+ attachment, I've been able to run a little, while still walking most.  The Nike+ thing is a great motivator - it keeps track of your distance, time, pace, calories....and you can set goals and keep track of all your runs/walks on their website.

Anyway, I started on Monday, January 7th and have made it 5 days straight so far...I've whittled a couple of minutes off my pace.  I'm not going to try to go too fast too soon, though, because I don't want to make myself dread going out to do it.  The main thing for me is "wanting" to go out and run/walk.  (Eventually, it will be all run!)

I'm trying to do that thing where if you do something every day for 21 days(?), it becomes a habit.  Hopefully, it WILL become a habit and by this time next year I'll be running in the Houston Marathon.  For now,  I'm content with 3-5 miles.

Along with that, hopefully, I'll lose the 10-15 lbs that I really would like to lose.  I'm not a dieter and don't want to be.  But, if I can lose it with exercise, I'll be extremely happy.  I would think that's another good form of motivation.  So far, I lost 3 lbs, and then gained it right back!!!  Who knows?  I don't think you should weigh yourself everyday, but I'm obsessive/compulsive.  I weigh before and after I go to the bathroom!

Anyway, that's it for now....any words of encouragement are welcome!!!

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